Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Vastu For Kitchen

Kitchen is the most important place in a house from where all positive energy prevails in every corner of a home. It is the place where all meals are cooked and meal is the most important factor that contributes to one's health. Hence, there can be no other place as important as kitchen in a house and while planning it proper vastu tips and techniques shout be taken with utmost care.

When comes to the kitchen vastu takes into consideration various things that should be properly placed to ensure safety in the kitchen. These various things could be location of kitchen, direction of doors and windows, placement of gas cylinder and cooking gas, sink, refrigerator, purifier and other electronic gadgets.

The most ideal place for the placement of kitchen is the South-East corner. The other alternative could be North-West corner of the house. Other useful vastu tips related to kitchen are discussed below:
  • The best location for the entry door of the kitchen is North, East or West. It should not be placed in any of the corner's.
  • Gas cylinder's should be placed in South-East direction and empty cylinder's should be kept in South-West direction.
  • South-East direction is the best direction for placing Cooking Gas. While placing cooking gas keep in mind that there should be few inches gap between the walls and the gas stove. Also gas stove should not be in the front of the main door. And at last while cooking one should face east direction.
  • Refrigerator should always be placed in the South-East, North, South or West direction. If southwestern direction is used for the placement of refrigerator, it must be a feet away from the corner.
  • Northeastern direction should never be used for refrigerator.
  • Western or Southern walls are best for storing racks.
  • Sink should always be fitted in the North-East direction.  All water sources like filter or pitcher should be placed in north east direction only.
  • All equipments like Heaters, Microwaves, Ovens, Toasters should be placed in South-East or south direction. North-East direction should never be used for this purpose.
  • East direction is best for the windows and exhaust.
  • Flooring of the kitchen should always be in Mosaic, Marbles or Ceramics Tiles.
  • Kitchen walls should always be colored in Yellow, Red, Orange, Rose or Chocolate color. Black color should never be used in kitchen.
  • South or South-West wall is best placing Clock in the kitchen.

There are few things that should be avoided while constructing kitchen according to vastu. They are:
  • Kitchen should never be below or above the bathroom or toilet.
  • The toilet and kitchen should never share common walls.
  • Kitchen placed in North or North-East direction badly effects the person's career.
  • Kitchen must never face the main entrance of the house.
  • Stove in the kitchen must not be visible from outside.
  • The Pooja Room or Temple should never be placed above the gas stove or a sink.

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