Monday, January 23, 2012

Vastu For Guest Room

In Indian methodology Guest are the foremost important persons as they are considered as "God". It is said that "Guest is God". So, according to this utmost care should be taken while designing and building up your guest room so that any guest coming to your house should feel at peace and refreshing.

In this room people comes from different places, of different races, environment and characteristics. Vastu helps in taking care that those guest should not interfere in home matters or dominate the one's living there. Sometimes this rooms gets stimulate with negative vibrations of some people living there. But with the help of vastu one can induce back the positive energy there and in the entire bungalow.

The best direction to place the guest room is the North-West corner of the house as this is the most unstable corner of the house. The other options for building up the guest room could be South or South-East direction. Along with this following things should be taken care like:
  • Bed in the guest room should always placed in the South or West direction in a way that while sleeping the head of the guest should be in south direction. No sun beam should run over the bed.
  • All electronics item should be placed in South-East wall and placements of Cabinets should be on South or West walls.
  • The most ideal place to place the door of the guest room will be North-East direction such that it faces towards East. Other directions could be South-East facing South and North-West facing West.
  • Windows of the guest room should be in the North-East corner if it is in the North-West corner.
  • If the guest room is in the South-East direction then, windows should be either in the South or South-East corner.
  • The most ideal colors for the Guest room includes white, Coral Red, or light shades of Pink.

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