Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vastu Tips

Today’s topic on our Vastu blog is about various vastu tips that are usually very helpful while analyzing your place according to vastu or while designing your building. I’m very sure that today's topic will greatly help you in catering your problem areas such as facing financial problems in spite of getting good income in hand, or all your money is being blocked since you have entered your new place or there is no more harmony left in your life. One can easily get rid of all such kinds of problems by following some simple tips of vastu.

Before we move forward while discussing about vastu tips you all must know the directions of your house. Keep the magnetic compass in center of your home and see where does north, east, north-east etc. directions lies. This is important as vastu is all about placing the right things at your work place in the right direction. And if you don’t know even the directions at your place you can never build up your place according to vastu.

Following are the few tips that could easily be taken care while constructing or renewing your living or work place.

  • Be careful that no heavy bodies should be kept in north-east of the building such as overhead tanks or staircases. It is considered to be a big vastu defect. If possible South-east direction should also be avoided for the overhead tanks as it may cause loss of wealth and there can also be adverse effects on health. The best direction for these overhead tanks is North-west.
  • If you are having underground water tank or water sump then the best position for digging the sump is north-east direction as it brings health, wealth and prosperity.
  • Make sure there is proper ventilation sources in your living place. Cross ventilation always helps fresh air to float in the environment that helps to release stress.
  • There should be a bright light source on the main door or say entrance of your home.
  • Even numbers of doors at your living place is always preferred and recommended.
  • Placing a television set into your bedroom is a wrong practice and should strictly be avoided.
  • Do not place any plant into your bedroom.
  • Mirror should not be placed in front of the bed.
  • Avoid keeping mirrors into kitchen.
  • The shape of the rooms should not be of oval or circle.
  • The property that you are owing should be of square or rectangular shape.
  • One must not plant any thorny plants inside the house like cactus or any other that consist of thorns.
  • Also plants like Banyan tree or a Peepal tree is not recommended to be planted into the campus of living place.
  • Do not use separate mattresses and bedsheets.
  • Brooms and mops should be kept out of the sight of the kitchen.
  • Place a happy family picture in the living room.
  • Also you can place a bright sunrise picture on the southern wall of the living room.
  • Bathroom and toilet doors must be kept closed most of the time.
  • The door of the bedroom should not be in front of the bathroom or toilet.
  • Windows of the living place are preferred to be opened in the outward direction.
  • At the front door of your house there shouldn’t be the dining room.
  • The gate of the lift should not be in front of your main door.
  • The most recommended direction for the kitchen is the south-east direction of the home. Next north-west corner of the home is also considered to be good for the kitchen.
  • The gas stove should also be placed in the south-east corner.
  • House furniture should always be set in the form of circle, square or octagon.
  • Latrine seat must be kept facing towards northern south.
  • Never wear torn cloths, withered flowers, as these prevents the goddess Lakshmi entering into the home.
  • The children’s room should always be constructed in the north-west corner.
  • Store rooms if needed should always be constructed in the southern part of your home.
  • Stairs should be clockwise.
  • The maximum construction should be done in South, West and south-west portion of the plot.
  • A water body should be placed in the south-east corner of the house.
  • Pictures of any war or anger shouldn’t be placed in the house.
  • The best corner for the prayer room is considered to be the north-east corner of the house.

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