Thursday, February 9, 2012

Vastu For Other Bedrooms

Like Master Bedroom should always be in the south direction similarly, all other bedrooms must be in the Eastern or Northern side of the master bedroom. To ensure prosperity and peace bedrooms should always be in the square or rectangular shape.

Following are the few things that should be taken care while designing your bedrooms according to vastu.
  • All other bedrooms should always be in the eastern or northern direction of the master bedroom.
  • Bed should be placed in such a way that while sleeping your head is always in the south direction or east or west. South is the most preferred direction to place your head while sleeping.
  • You head should never be in the north direction while sleeping as it results in nightmares and disturbed sleep.
  • Attached bathroom should always be in the north-west or south-east direction of the bedroom.
  • Your bed in the bedroom should always be of wooden material. Avoid placing beds made of metals in the bedroom.
  • No aquarium should be placed in the bedroom as it can lead to material loss.
  • No divine idols must be placed in the bedroom.
  • No almirah should be placed in the bedroom. But if necessary use south-west corner for placing almirah.
  • TV should be avoided in the bedroom. But if you need always keep it in the south-east direction and make sure it is not in front of your bed as it acts as a mirror. And no mirror should be placed just in front your bed as it is not good for health.
  • The best direction for the doors and windows of the bedroom is North and east.
  • As far as the color is concerned, for the bedroom usually light colors are preferred such as light-pink, light-rose, yellow, green, and blue. Avoid using black and red or say dark colors in the bedroom.
  • Do not display pictures of war, cruelty, sadness, single bird, any animal and wild animals in bedroom.
  • Use single mattress for the bedroom.

Vastu For Garage

One of the most ignored area while building up your house according to vastu is Garage. As when a home build up according to vastu brings peace, happiness and prosperity similarly when a garage built up according to vastu ensures long life of your vehicle and house residents. If the car is not parked in the right direction and vastu has been ignored while building up then may be again and again your vehicle will incur lot of expense for you.

So, make sure that your garage is also well planned according to vastu to bring positivity and good health. Following are the few tips that you should take care while building your garage.
  • Ideally a garage should always be located in the southeast or northwest direction of your house.
  • If you will park your car in the west side of the northwest located garage then, you have to undergo lot of traveling. Rarely your car will stay at home in your garage.
  • If you park your car in the southwestern direction then, your car will rarely come out for usage and it will require minor repair works on regular basis.
  • Floor of the garage should be inclined towards east or north direction.
  • When designing the garage make sure that after parking the car some space is left inside. This ensures the free movement of air and light.
  • The garage gate should open in east or north direction without any obstruction. And the height of the garage's gate should not be more than the height of the main gate of the house.
  • Parking car in the north-east direction is strictly prohibited as this direction is for heavenly bodies and by parking your car in this direction you are blocking their way.
  • If the car is in the basement then it could be parked in the north-east direction.
  • Always park your vehicle facing east or north. This will ensure that your vehicle will never get worked up.
  • If the car is parked facing west or south direction then, it may face fire hazards.
  • Best color for garage according to vastu is white, yellow or any other light color.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Vastu For Locker Room

According to vastu the best location for placing the locker room is north direction. If its not possible then the next best direction could be east. North and east both ideally suits for locker room. It is the place where all cash and jewelry is kept. So, be sure that this room is well protected and is not visible to the people coming in the house.

The shape of this room should be rectangular or square. And height of this room should be same as of other rooms in the house. Some more vastu tips on locker room are:
  • The locker or almirah should be placed in the south side of the room leaving the south-east or south-west direction of the room.
  • The almirah should be placed as its back is towards south direction and faces towards the north wall of the room.
  • Locker room should never be placed in north-east corner or south-west as it may lead to financial losses.
  • Locker's placed in north-west or south-east corner may lead to unnecessary expenditures. It may increase the outflow then inflow.
  • Locker room should be kept tidy and clutter free.
  • Locker should not be placed under a beam.
  • A mirror could be placed in the locker room to reflect the locker. It doubles your assets and increases your opportunity to gain wealth.
  • Color scheme for the locker room should be yellow.
  • A locker must never be placed in a corner.
  • All valuable things must be kept in southern or western part of the locker.
  • A fountain with calming sound can be placed in the locker room as it brings positive energy.