Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vastu For the Drawing Room

Drawing room or say the living room is always the center of the house, where all the members of the house spend lot of time and which is also used to entertain the guests. Hence everyone wants to decorate their drawing room in the best possible manner with all the furniture and show pieces to look it more and more pretty and beautiful.

Drawing room is not only about looking beautiful but also about the feel and comfort. Vastu Shastra makes confirm that every room or say every part of the house is full of comfort and warmth level that is essential for a good living.

Here are some things that needs to be kept in mind while designing of a drawing room.

Location of the Living room and Furniture

  • According to vastu the direction of the living room could be north as well as east. Actually its ideal location depends upon the facing of the house.
  • For the west facing house living room could be in the northwest direction. For the house whose facing is towards east or north direction then the living room could be in the northeast direction. For the houses whose facing is towards south then the living room could be in the southeast direction.
  • It is advisable to keep only square or rectangular shape furniture. Avoid placing circular, oval or any odd shape furniture.
  • Be sure that the movement in the living room should be free without any obstruction.
  • All the heavy and weighted items such as the most important furniture of the living room like sofa set must be kept in south or west direction. All the heavy articles or the showcases must be in these direction only.
  • Heavy articles such as sofa set can also be placed in east direction but make sure that it should not touch the walls.
  • One can also place some indoor plants with small rocks and stones in the southwest direction. It looks very attractive as well as strengthens the southwest direction.
  • For center and side tables southeast corner is very beneficial according to Vastu shastra.
  • Place the furniture in a way that the head of the family and other senior family members should face north or east while sitting and the guests should face west or south directions respectively.
  • If you want to place a TV in the living room you can place it in the southeast direction. Vastu strongly opposes to place the TV in the northeast or the southwest direction.
  • Air-conditioner or cooler should be placed in West direction, not in South-east.
  • According to the Vastu advice for drawing rooms, there should more of open space in the northern and eastern corners.
Fountains, Aquarium and Paintings in the Living room

  • The main water element such as fountains or fish aquarium should be placed in the central north of the living room. If you are having an aquarium then be sure that you are having seven small fishes of one family and two other small fishes of another family.
  • The north wall is best where the pictures and paintings can be placed in the living room.
  • On the eastern wall you can place a painting of a rising sun.
  • On the south and west wall you can put the painting of any animal, mountain or of anything that resembles strength.
  • There should not be a photograph of any God in living room or at entrance door.

Color Scheme and Lighting

  • Prefer using light colors then dark colors in this living room.
  • Never use black or red color in the living room.
  • You can use white, yellow, blue or green color in the drawing room.
  • Lighting of the living room should be bright. Place the lights towards west direction. Avoid placing lights at the center of the room.
  • The door of living room should be in east or north direction. Windows in east or north directions are beneficial.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Vastu For Bathroom

As any other room in the house bathroom is also one of the most important room of the house. One should take care of vastu while building or designing of his/her bathroom.Designing bathroom in the right direction brings peace, joy, and prosperity into the house. Placing bathroom in the wrong direction can create health and financial problems.

According to vastu east portion of the house is considered to be the best portion for the construction of the bathroom. In early days also people took bath facing towards east where sun rays fall on their face and they hymned some mantras for a good morning and a good day. The soft rays from the sun in morning are said to be very beneficial for the health.

Hence, it is always recommended that bathroom must have adequate windows so that the fresh air of the morning may let in also the fresh light. North direction is also considered to be good for building bathroom. However the north-east direction must strictly be avoided for the designing of the bathroom as it may cause adverse effect on the health and wealth.

Following are some tips for the designing of the bathroom:-

  • Most appropriate direction for the bathroom is always the eastern portion of the house. However the north direction is also considered to be good for building the bathroom.
  • North-east direction should strictly be avoided for the bathroom.
  • If you are having your bathroom and toilet rooms separatly then the toilet room should not be located in the south-east or the south-west or at the center of the building. The toilet should be at the west or northwest side of the room.
  • If you are having combined bathroom and toilet room then it should always be in the west or northwest side of the room. Never have attached bathroom on the northeast side of the room.
  • As the location of the bathroom is important equally is the location of bathroom accessories. The tap and shower should always be in the north direction as it helps in the drainage system as water should always drain out from the northeast direction.
  • For placing the mirror north direction is suitable.
  • Geyser should always be installed in the southeast side of the bathroom.
  • The best position for placing the bathtub is the west, east or northeast direction such that head should be placed in the south direction while taking bath.
  • The door of the bathroom should always be in the North or east direction. It should not be placed in the south-west corner.
  • Septic tank should be in northwest of the house. It should not be in south-east, north-east, north or east directions.
  • Washing Machine can be placed in the southeast or the northwest directions.
  • Bathroom and toilet should never be built under staircases or near the kitchen.
  • The bathroom colors should always be light, as such colors help give a fresh look to the bathroom. White, light blue or pale green are the best choices.
  • Always keep the bathroom shiny and clean, as proper hygiene allows flow of positive energy.

Vastu for Chidren's Room

Children are always the life of a home. Every one loves their child more then loving any other else in the home. They are the hub of joy and happiness in a family. Hence an utmost care must be taken while designing of the children's room.

Children's room if designed according to the vastu leads them to a better life as well as provides them more sharp mind and hence the thinking and grasping power. Placing children's room in the right direction provides them with mental peace and an internal happiness and also with more physical power.

  • Children's room should always be placed in the west direction. Apart from this, north-east, north-west or south-east direction can also be used for constructing the kid's room. South-west direction should strictly be avoided for constructing child's room.
  • Mirror should strictly be avoided in the child's room.
  • The location of the bed in the child's room must be in south-west corner of the room. Head should be in the south or east direction only.
  • The door should not be exactly opposite to the bed of the room.
  • Furniture in the child's room should never be placed in the center of the room.
  • South or the west direction is suitable for placing the Almirah or the cabinet in the room.
  • The study desk should be placed such that the child faces the east, north or the north-east corner while studying. East is the most recommended direction for this as it paves way for high concentration.
  • Avoid placing TV or Computer's in children's room. But if necessary, it's recommended to place the TV in the south-east direction and computer in north direction of the room.
  • In children's room up-lighters must be used in south-east corner as it is good for health and generates positive energy. Very sharp or bright light such as spot lights should strictly be avoided in the child's bedroom as it creates mental stress.
  • The door of the children's room should not be exactly opposite to the bed of the child. It could be at any angle from the bed.
  • As in our earlier topic about home vastu we have discussed the impact and importance of color in our lives and on our mood. Similarly while designing child's bedroom care must be taken related to color scheme used in his/her room. Green color is considered to be the best for the child's bedroom as its the symbol of peace and prosperity and hence brings freshness together with increasing brain power. White color can also be used in the child's bedroom.